Introducing the newest Mechanician: Vernon Robert Shapwright!

By Maria Shaplin

OIMG_4030n Wednesday evening, as we were wrapping up the incubator at UArts, Becky was just a few blocks away bringing a new Mechanician into the world. At 8:30pm, Vernon Robert Shapwright joined this radical party called life, and this awesome family called Applied Mechanics. As a bunch of us lingered around after rehearsal to hear any news, we decided to enact a birthing ritual, just in case Vernie needed a little psychic push. Mary led us in a cathartic primal scream, accompanied by some intense squats, and in that very moment, the text came from Adriano: “HEALTHY BABY BOY”. We all screamed with joy. This is such a happy moment for us as a company. On the heels of such a successful residency, and ramping up for development of Chronotope, we are full of energy and optimism for the future. Vernie is lucky to join such a tight-knit loving extended family of artists. Personally, Im psyched to teach him about all the things I know and love. I’m excited to practice communal child-raising, to teach him about history, politics, loving, living well and making art. I’m psyched to hear what he has to say, and to see what he wants to do. I’m psyched for the next few years to be messy, hard, hilarious and fun. CONGRATS BECKY AND ADRIANO. You have both done such a great job. Know that you have so many folks here to help you continue to do a great job in the coming months and years. YAY!!! So much love.

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