She Woke Up Like This: Feminist Syncrony at The Women’s Way Gala

Applied Mechanics has been surfing a massive wave of super fun work this month. Last Friday we totally rocked the Women’s Way Gala at the Camden Aquarium. The evening began with a VIP party in the shark tunnel. Marie Curie, Ida B. Wells, Susan B. Anthony, Sally Ride and Ada Lovelace mingled with the attendees and played light parlor games. Marie Curie gave the VIP’s a personality test to reveal which elements they most closely resembled in their romantic lives. Susan B. Anthony led a game of Pictionary. Gorgeous plates of cheese and seafood were eaten, and the wine flowed freely. IMG_3677
The famous feminists disappeared, and then magically reappeared in synchronized swimming outfits. They gathered the partygoers around the jellyfish tank and launched into a magical synchronized swimming routine, evoking themes of women’s suffrage.  As the dinner and silent auction got under way, Marie Curie took to the stage as the master of ceremonies. “MC Marie Curie” or “MC MC” announced that she was there to melt everyone’s faces off with her radioactive presence. Mary Tuoms totally nailed it. Then, as if it all wasn’t impossibly cool already, The Bandits took the stage. They played “Gravity” “Queens”, and “Chains”, accompanied by the Anna Crusis Women’s Choir. THEN, they debuted a new song, “OMG, Marie Curie” which was basically the awesomest thing ever. The crowd loved it. After that, our gang of historical feminist trailblazers were the first ones on the dance floor. IMG_3720The night was a resounding success. More pics to come in the following weeks when we get the shots from the official event photographer. If you want to know more about Women’s Way, check out their website here: If you wanna check out some of the Bandits songs, they are here:

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