Applied Mechanics “Creating Immersive Worlds” Workshop


This November, Applied Mechanics had our first self-organized public workshop. It occurred to us that this type of knowledge-share might be interesting to folks in the community, and we might come into contact with some great new art-brains.

Wow, did we ever.

For two days, we had the honor of sharing the room with 19 incredible folks from all walks of life: a science fiction novelist, a lighting designer, a circus artist, a production manager, activists, choreographers, performance artists, singers, playwrights, producers and directors. They were the UNusual Suspects — so many people we’ve not encountered yet on the Philly scene, or met in different contexts, or just not seen any devised work from yet. We had the pleasure of asking them the question: “What have you never seen in a play that you would want to see?” Or “Make a list of impossible things. Now do one of them.” The resulting chaotic beauty manifested in many tiny universes, different imagined cultures with their own values and rules, 19 distinct characters that clashed and cooperated. We did long improvs with the entire room live, in which all players were active, vying for territory or mixing their cultures to create new ones.

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We ended up making a lot of work about different perspectives coming into contact.

We made a lot of work about the transformation that happens at the moment of contact.

This feels particularly moving in context of recent events.

We left with new allies, new inspiration.


A great THANK YOU to all of these artists.

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